Positive Effects Of Assembly Bill 2566
For practicing California notaries public, they need to be aware of state law changes provided by Assembly Bill 2566. This is an amendment to Civil Code Section 1185. The purpose of the bill is to expand passport acceptance as satisfactory evidence to prove a person's identity. Currently, if a passport is of foreign origin, it must contain a stamp by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security. The provisions of the amendment would enable notaries to accept foreign passports that do not have this stamp as long as it is valid and the person is a citizen of the country that issued the passport. Also accepted will be consular identification that is valid and issued from the consulate of the country of the person's citizenship. The new provisions become effective January 2017.
Usually, when legislative action is taken, it is related to security issues or of some financial benefit to the public. This measure is expected to have no fiscal effect according to final assembly analysis. However, where a notary public is concerned, there may be a valid argument against that conclusion. Yet if legislatures determined it was of no fiscal value, why, then, make such an effort to change the identification requirements for notaries public? Is it simply to make their jobs easier and expand who they can provide service to?
One purpose of this measure was to create uniformity in state standards as to what is accepted as valid identification documents. In 2013 the state enacted legislation, Assembly Bill 60, that allowed a state driver's license to be issued to an undocumented person if they had an unexpired and valid consular identification document. This same identification can now be accepted by notaries public. This makes it possible for undocumented persons who elect not to drive to use the same valid form of identification accepted to obtain a driver's license.
It would seem, then, that in addition to uniformity in acceptable forms of identification, this measure also serves the purpose to make notary public services more accessible to undocumented persons. Latest research numbers indicate that, although California contains the lion share of undocumented persons, more than 2 million, the trend is that those numbers are decreasing. Despite this trend, with the passage of Assembly Bill 60 enabling undocumented persons to obtain a driver's license, business is booming at California Departments of Motor Vehicles. In 2015 more than 600,000 licenses were issued under the conditions of Assembly Bill 60. Two-thirds of those were issued in the first six months after the bill's passage. The undocumented community in California is highly active at enjoying their liberties and seem to be well-informed as to laws that affect them. And they act quickly to enjoy a new liberty.
Meeting Needs
Considering the plethora of documents that might require notarization, and the rapid response of the undocumented community to the liberty granted by Assembly Bill 60, it is safe to assume California notaries may expect a rush upon their services this coming January. This amendment provides California's vast undocumented population with access to a critical service. They might require a notary public seal on any number of important documents:
- Power of attorney
- Property transaction
- Estate administration documents
- Immigration control documents
- Marriage documents
- Business or transaction documents
Business Boon
By making it possible, and much easier, for millions of people to now enjoy the services of a notary public, California notaries may begin to experience a business boon in 2017. Are you ready? If not you should renew your commission and prepare for a busy year ahead. In addition to preparing for the exam, update your notary supplies such as your surety bond, seal stamp and journal.
And you might need more than traditional tools of the trade in order to reach your new market. What areas in your local community is there a strong presence of undocumented people? Would having bi-lingual or even tri-lingual skills increase your opportunity to serve the undocumented communities surrounding you? Add to your preparation plan linguistic studies and familiarizing one's self with the customs and cultures of the particular communities you might be serving. It will increase your earnings and success potential.